Drivers 3Com 56K V.90 Mini PCI Modem

Grátis Compaq Deskpro 2000 5133 Netelligent 56K ISA Modem K56flex-to-V.90 Firmware Upgrade Wizard v.2.21 B v.2.21 B.

Download 3Com Mini PCI 56K Modem for Windows to modem driver. Download Compaq Global MiniPCI 56K (V.90) Modem by 3COM for Windows to modem driver. Dell Computer 3Com 56K V.90 Mini PCI Modem driver. Dell Computer Modem Drivers. Z68gfm04.exe (This zipped file includes drivers for both the modem and NIC on the mini-PCI device. The release date for the file was 8/2001. It will work on the Inspiron 2500, 4000, 8000, 8100 & some of the Latitude family that supports the mini-PCI device.).

Tipo do programa:Firmware
Nome di programma:Netelligent 56K ISA Modem K56flex-to-V.90 Firmware Upgrade Wizard
Tamanho do ficheiro:1.18Mb
Sistema:Windows 98, Windows 95, Windows 3.x
Descrição:Netelligent 56K ISA Modem K56flex-to-V.90 Firmware Upgrade Wizard for Compaq Deskpro 2000 5133
Type: Driver - Mode
This software contains the files needed to install the K56flex-to-V.90 Upgrade Wizard, which upgrades the modem firmware to the V.90 standard on Compaq Netelligent 56K ISA Data/­Fax Modems
The Upgrade Wizard allows the user to switch easily among the following three firmware versions at any time
1. Failsafe backup of the original modem firmware
2. K56Flex transitional firmware (V. 2.013C, 'V.90-aware').
NOTE: This firmware permits tracking the modem's connections and detects when the ISP's modems have been upgraded to the V.90 standard
3. Final V.90 firmware (V. 2.100)
The Upgrade Wizard performs the following
1. Detects the modem and reads the current firmware version.
2. Backs up the current firmware of the modem to the user's hard disk for possible later use
3. Lets the user choose to upgrade the modem with either the K56flex transitional firmware or the V.90 firmware
4. Monitors the connections the modem makes with ISPs and detects if the ISP has V.90 capability. If V.90 capability is detected, the user is notified when subsequently running the Update Wizard. The user is then prompted to update the modem with the V.90 firmware.
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Drivers 3Com 56K V.90 Mini PCI Modem

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